How to get sneakers white again

How to get sneakers white again

A pair of shiny white sneakers are good with every outfit, even when you have a fancy party. Only condition: they must be really white. Yep, that's difficult when you're dealing with mud, rain and parties. With these five tricks you keep them whiter than the teeth of Gerard Joling.

how to get sneakers white again

1. Repel water and mud

If you manage to keep away water molecules from your shoes, the associated mud will not stick to the fabric. Always use a protective spray for the fabric that your sneakers are made of. Do not expect to spray your shoes once for the next 200 km - the coating you apply will disappear from your steppers over time. So: spray your shoes every time you clean your footwear.

2. Magical disappearing trick

The Magic Eraser from Mr. Proper can save the leather and rubber parts of your shoes. Dip the Eraser in water, brush your shoes and then wipe them off with a wet cloth. Note: use the Eraser only on the white parts of your shoe, because it can ruin the colors of the paint.

3. Showed your laces

Your laces are also part of your shoe, so do not forget them. Remove your laces from your shoes and scrub the worst stains with a toothbrush. You can then throw them into the washing machine. If they were in a pillowcase or bag, they would not get entangled.
Another option: add a mixture of soap, baking soda and a splash of water to a bowl of water. Let them put in for a few minutes and rub the mixture into the laces. (Wear gloves, it can irritate your skin.)
Rinse them with hot water and let them air dry. When you throw them in the dryer, they come out as a floss.

4. Clean the soles with toothpaste

Buy a white toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide, a toothpaste with a color can leave stains on your shoes. Scrub your soles with an old toothbrush and the toothpaste, and wipe off with a damp cloth.

5. Yes, there is such a thing as shoe polish for white shoes

The above ways clean your shoes, but only shoe polish provides leather shoes. Think of it as a day cream for your shoes.
Rub the shoe polish in the leather with a cotton cloth, let it dry for a few minutes and then wipe the shoes with a dry, soft cloth (or brush, if you really want to do it well). 

6. Brush the fabric

If you want to know how to get sneakers white again, fast, with this tip you can't go wrong. Clean fabric shoes with a mixture of hot water, washing-up liquid (about 60 ml) and a very small drop. Dip a brush into the mixture and make circular movements. Rinse the brush regularly in a container with clear water. Wipe the shoes with a damp cloth and allow them to air dry. You can put newsprint in the shoes to dry them faster.

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